Brad’s Nursery – 1200 head



Barn Specifics 51′ x 176′
Type  Nursery
Pig Space 2400 head
Head Pens 30
Flooring Faroex Polygrate Gro-More Flooring
Gating Thorp Nursery gating, vertical bars, and white bottom to reduce draft (includes 20-year warranty)
Wall Fans  5
Pit Fans  2
Inlets Double L
Controller  Expert VP18
Bulk Bin Choretime
Feeders Thorp Stainless Steel Flip to Clean Dry Feeder (includes 20-year warranty)
Waterers Ultimate Thorp Water cups
Medicators Stenner Econ
Heaters LB Heater – 250BTU
Brooders  N/A
Ceiling Aluminum
Walls Bottom 4′ is HDPE Plastic